DBCT P/L – Queensland’s premier coal export facility since 1983
Our DBCT P/L vision:
to be the Terminal Operator of Choice
Our DBCT P/L purpose:
to safely and efficiently transport coal from trains onto vessels
DBCT is based at the Port of Hay Point on the stunning Central Queensland Coast. The terminal operates around the clock, exporting thermal and metallurgical coal from Central Queensland’s Bowen Basin mines to ports around the world. At DBCT P/L, we’re dedicated to providing and maintaining operational excellence with an uncompromising approach to safety.
The terminal is a common user facility, owned by the Queensland State Government and leased to Dalrymple Bay Infrastructure (DBI) on a 50 year lease, with a 49 year option, to operate, maintain and develop the terminal. DBI has engaged DBCT P/L to operate and maintain the terminal on its’ behalf.
While our primary goal is to export coal, our terminal is also focused on creating a sustainable future and enriching our local area. We place enormous value on our community at Hay Point, and take pride in supporting local projects, community groups, clubs and organisations.
Our DBCT p/l coal chain
Our DBCT P/L Critical Success Factors / Business Goals
We have safe outcomes through proactive risk management and deliberate actions of our people.
We will proactively engage our people and stakeholders to achieve sustainable environmental outcomes.
We will have the right systems, processes, tools and structures to maximize Terminal throughput.
Customer / Stakeholder
We will actively engage our customers and key stakeholders to deliver on agreed service requirements and support supply chain performance towards 85Mtpa.
We will have a safe, flexible and productive workforce with opportunities for targeted growth and development where contributions are recognised and successes as a team are celebrated.
We will optimise the effectiveness of our spend to provide lowest cost Terminal Operations within our risk profile.